Hey there, my name is Austin.
To tell you a little about myself, I think it would be wise to start at what is most important in my life. I am a guy who is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I believe Christ came to this earth fully God, and fully man, to live a perfect life, and die for all in need of salvation. Which is everyone. But especially me.
Because He is my Lord and savior, I strive to glorify Him in all I do. Whether it be working on the job or at home, hanging out with my friends, or anything else I choose to do, it is my goal to direct all glory to Him. I often fall, but the important part is to get back up again and continue pursuing Him. He is my life's focus, and He deserves every part of it.
This blog was originally started to document the restoration of my old car, and indeed, I plan to update that. Someday.
Eventually though, I found myself posting thoughts about movies I watched, and just thoughts on life in general here. It has become an online journal, where I simply share with you what God is teaching me. This can be in the light of Photography, the activity of Sports, the blessings of work... The list goes on.
This isn't blog which is centered upon one topic, but rather a reflection of what I learn in living life day to day. No fancy speech, no theological essays, and no professed expertise on any subject.
Just my musings, my thoughts, and my ramblings, all based on the cornerstone of Christ.
Just Clay,