Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Rose Among Thorns... Literally.

So just the other day I was working on my mac, when I looked out the window of our apartment here in Australia. I saw this one yellow yellow rose, in the midst of the huge and bare thorn bush on which it grew.

I thought this was rather amazing, as it is winter here, and there are no other flowers on the bush, and just a few leaves.

I think we often consider ourselves like this rose in our christian walk. There are seasons in which we feel alone, without solid friendships, and among thorns of life.

However, just like this rose was placed in the bush by God. We also can rest in the fact God has placed us in those trying times. To grow and strengthen us, as found in James 1.
Also, if you are finding yourself like a rose among thorns in the winter...
It is only for a season. :)


  1. Beautiful picture and application to the Christian walk! As the saying goes, "A picture speaks more than a thousand words."
